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Managed Funds

The tables below give a brief summary of the managed funds available through Freedom of Choice Super.

For more information about each of the investment options, please refer to the Fund Information documents or relevant PDS.

Diversified Funds

ConservativeHolding LimitPDS
FSF0033AUColonial First State Wholesale Conservative Fund100%PDS
BTA0805AUPendal Active Conservative Fund100%
RIM0012AURussell Conservative Fund100%
VAN0109AUVanguard Conservative Index Fund100%PDS
BalancedHolding LimitPDS
Australian Ethical Balanced Trust (Wholesale)*
FSF0040AUColonial First State Wholesale Balanced Fund100%PDS
Hejaz Global Ethical Fund*
RIM0013AURussell Diversified 50 Fund100%PDS
SCH0047AUSchroder Real Return Fund50%PDS
VAN0108AUVanguard Balanced Index Fund100%PDS
GrowthHolding LimitPDS
CRS0002AUAberdeen Multi-Asset Real Return Fund50%PDS
BAR0813AUBlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth Fund100%PDS
PWA0822AUBlackRock Tactical Growth Fund100%PDS
MMF0115AUOnePath Wholesale Managed Growth Trust100%PDS
RFA0815AUPendal Active Balanced Fund100%PDS
RIM0011AURussell Balanced Fund100%PDS
SBC0815AUUBS Balanced Investment Fund100%PDS
VAN0110AUVanguard Growth Index Fund100%PDS
AggressiveHolding LimitPDS
RIM0030AURussell High Growth Fund100%PDS
VAN0111AUVanguard High Growth Index Fund100%PDS

Sector Funds

CashHolding LimitPDS
SBC0811AUUBS Cash Fund100%PDS
SBC0812AUUBS Cash-Plus Fund100%PDS
MortgagesHolding LimitPDS
ETL0122AUEQT Wholesale Mortgage Income Fund20%PDS
Australian Fixed InterestHolding LimitPDS
AUS0071AU Altius Sustainable Bond Fund100%PDS
AMP0557AUMacquarie Corporate Bond Fund30%PDS
DDH0001AUArculus Preferred Income Fund30%PDS
ETL0421AUEQT Diversified Fixed Income Fund100%PDS
FSF0027AUFirst Sentier Wholesale Australian Bond Fund100%PDS
ETL4236AUHejaz Income Fund 25%PDS
BGL0105AUiShares Australian Bond Index Fund100%PDS
MAQ0211AUMacquarie True Index Australian Fixed Interest Fund100%PDS
TYN0104AUYarra Australian Bond Fund100%PDS
ETL0015AUPIMCO Australian Bond Fund100%PDS
SCH0028AUSchroder Fixed Income Fund100%PDS
ETL0072AUSpectrum Strategic Income Fund30%PDS
SBC0813AUUBS Australian Bond Fund100%PDS
VAN0001AUVanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index Fund100%PDS
JBW0018AUYarra Enhanced Income Fund30%PDS
International Fixed InterestHolding LimitPDS
CSA0038AUBentham Global Income Fund25%PDS
FSF0084AUFirst Sentier Wholesale Global Credit Income30%PDS
ETL5525AUColchester Global Government Bond Fund100%PDS
DFA0108AUDimensional Five-Year Diversified Fixed Interest Trust100%PDS
DFA0028AUDimensional Global Bond Trust100%PDS
DFA0100AUDimensional Short Term Fixed Interest Trust100%PDS
DFA0002AUDimensional Two-Year Diversified Fixed Interest Trust100%PDS
MAQ0277AUMacquarie Income Opportunities Fund30%PDS
PER0260AUPerpetual Diversified Income Fund30%PDS
ETL0016AUPIMCO Diversified Fixed Interest Fund100%PDS
ETL0018AUPIMCO Global Bond Fund100%PDS
ETL0019AUPIMCO Global Credit Fund30%PDS
SBC0819AUUBS International Bond Fund100%PDS
VAN0025AUVanguard Australian Government Bond Index Fund100%PDS
VAN0103AUVanguard International Fixed Interest Index Fund (Hedged)100%PDS
Australian SharesHolding LimitPDS
Alphinity Sustainable Share Fund*
AAP0103AUAUSBIL Australian Active Equity Fund100%PDS
AAP0002AUAUSBIL Australian Geared Equity Fund50%PDS
Australian Ethical Advocacy Fund*
Australian Ethical Larger Companies Trust*
AUS0030AUAustralian Unity Platypus Australian Equities Fund100%PDS
BFL0004AUBennelong ex-20 Australian Equities Fund50%PDS
Capital Group New Perspective Fund (AU)
CIM0008AUCapital Group New Perspective Fund Hedged (AU)
DFA0003AUDimensional Australian Core Equity Trust100%PDS
DFA0103AUDimensional Australian Large Company Trust100%PDS
DFA0104AUDimensional Australian Small Company Trust25%PDS
DFA0101AUDimensional Australian Value Trust100%PDS
ECP Growth Companies Fund
HOW2967AUEiger Australian Small Companies Fund25%PDS
ECL0013AUEllerston Australian Absolute
Return Fund - Class A Units
EQT Flagship Fund
ETL5146AU EQT Flagship Australian Share Fund100%PDS
FID0008AUFidelity Australian Equities Fund100%PDS
FSF0016AUFirst Sentier Wholesale Concentrated Australian Share Fund50%PDS
FSF0008AUFirst Sentier Wholesale Diversified Fund
FSF0961AUFirst Sentier Wholesale Equity Income Fund50%PDS
FSF0043AUFirst Sentier Wholesale Geared Share Fund50%PDS
FSF0003AUFirst Sentier Wholesale Imputation Fund100%PDS
ETL0069AUTribeca Alpha Plus Fund- Class A units100%PDS
HOW0035AUGreencape High Conviction Fund 50%PDS
IML0002AUInvestors Mutual Australian Share Fund100%PDS
BGL0034AUiShares Australian Equity Index Fund100%PDS
TYN0038AUTyndall Australian Share Income Fund100%PDS
TYN0028AUTyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund100%PDS
RFA0064AUPendal Australian Long/Short Fund30%PDS
RFA0818AUPendal Australian Share Fund100%PDS
Pendal Horizon Fund (formerly Pendal Ethical Share Fund)*
IOF0078AUPerennial Value Shares for Income Trust100%PDS
IOF0206AUPerennial Value Shares Wholesale Trust100%PDS
PER0102AUPerpetual Concentrated Equity Fund50%PDS
Perpetual ESG Australian Share Fund*
PER0071AUPerpetual Geared Australian Share Fund50%PDS
PER0046AUPerpetual Industrial Share Fund50%PDS
PER0072AUPerpetual SHARE-PLUS Long-Short Fund30%PDS
FSF0976AURealindex Australian Share Fund100%PDS
SCH0101AUSchroder Wholesale Australian Equity Fund100%PDS
SBC0817AUUBS Australian Share Fund100%PDS
VAN0002AUVanguard Australian Shares Index Fund100%PDS
JBW0009AUYarra Australian Equities Fund100%PDS
Australian Shares Emerging Companies (or Smaller Companies)Holding LimitPDS
AAP0104AUAUSBIL Australian Emerging Leaders Fund25%PDS
AAP0007AUAUSBIL MicroCap Fund25%PDS
Australian Ethical Smaller Companies Trust*
EGG0001AUEley Griffiths Small Companies25%PDS
RFA0061AUPendal MicroCap Opportunities Fund25%PDS
RFA0819AUPendal Smaller Companies Fund25%PDS
WHT0008AUSpheria Australian Smaller Companies25%PDS
International SharesHolding LimitPDS
CRS0005AUabrdn Sustainable International Equities Fund100%PDS
EQI0028AUAberdeen Standard Asian Opportunities Fund25%PDS
ETL0032AUAberdeen Standard Emerging Opportunities Fund25%PDS
NML0348AUAMP Wholesale Global Equity Value Fund100%PDS
MAQ0464AUArrowstreet Global Equity Fund100%PDS
MAL0018AUBlackRock Global Allocation Fund100%PDS
FSF0038AUJanus Henderson Global Resources Fund25%PDS
DFA0107AUDimensional Emerging Markets Trust25%PDS
DFA0004AUDimensional Global Core Equity Trust100%PDS
DFA0009AUDimensional Global Core Equity Trust AUD Hedged100%PDS
DFA0105AUDimensional Global Large Company Trust100%PDS
DFA0106AUDimensional Global Small Company Trust25%PDS
DFA0102AUDimensional Global Value Trust100%PDS
ETL0107AUEQT Responsible Investment Global Share Fund100%PDS
FID0010AUFidelity Asia Fund25%PDS
Generation Wholesale Global Share Fund*
GSF0001AUGrant Samuel Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Hedged) Fund100%PDS
GSF0002AUGrant Samuel Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged) Fund100%PDS
ETL7742AUHejaz Equities Fund100%PDS
GTU0008AUInvesco Wholesale Global Opportunities Fund - Hedged100%PDS
BGL0044AUiShares Hedged International Equity Index Fund100%PDS
BGL0106AUiShares International Equity Index Fund100%PDS
MMC0110AULoftus Peak Global Disruption Fund100%PDS
MGE0001AUMagellan Global Fund100%PDS
MGE0007AUMagellan Global Fund (Hedged)100%PDS
ETL0041AUMFS Fully Hedged Global Equity Fund100%PDS
MIA0001AUMFS Global Equity Trust100%PDS
PIM4401AUOphir Global High Conviction Fund- Class A25%PDS
HOW0002AUPengana Axiom International Ethical Fund*100%PDS
PLA0004AUPlatinum Asia Fund25%PDS
PLA0100AUPlatinum International Brands Fund10%PDS
PLA0002AUPlatinum International Fund100%PDS
PLA0003AUPlatinum Japan Fund25%PDS
TGP0016AURARE Infrastructure Income Fund – Class A Units25%PDS
FSF0975AURealindex Global Shares Hedged Fund100%PDS
SCH0030AUSchroder Global Value Fund100%PDS
ETL0312AUT Rowe Price Global Equity Fund (Hedged)100%PDS
ETL0071AUT Rowe Price Global Equity Fund (Unhedged)100%PDS
AUS0035AUTalaria Global Equity Wholesale Units100%PDS
VAN0005AUVanguard Emerging Markets Shares Index Fund25%PDS
VAN0105AUVanguard International Shares Index Fund (Hedged) - AUD Class100%PDS
MAQ0410AUWalter Scott Global Equity Fund100%PDS
JBW0103AUYarra Global Small Companies Fund25%PDS
ZUR0061AUZurich Investments Global Thematic Share Fund25%PDS
Alternative AssetsHolding LimitPDS
AMP1179AUAMP Capital Core Infrastructure Fund25%PDS
AMP1685AUAMP Capital Multi-Asset Fund50%PDS
FSF1086AUAspect Diversified Futures Fund30%PDS
DEU0109AUIronbark Global Diversified Alternatives Fund30%PDS
IOF0145AUJanus Henderson Tactical Income Fund100%PDS
HOW0052AUKapstream Wholesale Absolute Return Income Fund25%PDS
PMC0103AUP.M. Capital Enhanced Yield Fund30%PDS
TGP0008AURARE Infrastructure Value Fund (Hedged)25%PDS
TGP0034AURARE Infrastructure Value Fund - Unhedged25%PDS
MAQ0482AUWinton Global Alpha Fund30%PDS
Property SecuritiesHolding LimitsPDS
AMP0974AUMacquarie Global Property Securities Fund25%PDS
APN0008AUDexus AREIT Fund25%PDS
DFA0005AUDimensional Global Real Estate Trust25%PDS
FSF0004AUFirst Sentier Wholesale Property Securities Fund25%PDS
ETL2149AUHejaz Property Fund25%PDS
MGL0010AUIronbark RREEF Global (ex-Australia) Property Securities Fund25%PDS
PAL0002AUIronbark RREEF Paladin Property Securities Fund25%PDS
BGL0108AUiShares Australian Listed Property Index Fund25%PDS
MGE0002AUMagellan Infrastructure Fund25%PDS
RFA0051AUPendal Global Property Securities Fund25%PDS
WHT0015AUResolution Capital Global Property Securities Fund25%PDS
ETL0005AUSGH LaSalle Global Listed Property Securities Fund25%PDS
ETL0119AUSGH Property Income Fund25%PDS
SBC0816AUUBS Property Securities Fund 25%PDS
VAN0004AUVanguard Australian Property Securities Index Fund25%PDS
VAN0018AUVanguard International Property Securities Index Fund25%PDS
Direct PropertyHolding LimitPDS
AMP1015AUDexus Core Property Fund20%PDS
NML0001AUDexus Wholesale Australian Property20%PDS
YOC0100AUAustralian Unity Property Income Fund20%PDS


Please note that all information contained in the tables above is attributable to or based on statements made by the underlying investment manager and has been included in this website with the consent of that underlying manager. The Trustee is not the issuer of any statements made by the underlying manager and, to the extent permitted by law does not accept any responsibility for the information in the tables above.


*Socially Responsible Investments
At Freedom of Choice, we think it is important to allow you to invest the way you want.  For some of our clients, we know that investing in socially responsible companies is essential. That is why we offer a wide selection of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) options for you to choose from.

SRI is an umbrella term to describe an investment process that considers environmental, social, ethical or governance considerations. This process complements (or is incorporated into) the usual fundamental investment selection and management process.

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  • PO Box 3528, Tingalpa DC QLD 4173
  • 1300 264 264